Fodd / Drank Financial Regulation Bill


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James S. Henry, an economist, lawyer, and investigative journalist and former chief economist for McKinsey & Co does a great job at Forbes explaining (here) why the Dodd / Frank bill is just the opposite of what is needed for Financial Reform.

How upside-down is this country when two of the most corrupt politicians are writing Financial Reform bills that are prescriptions for institutionalized bail-outs, continued Wall Street pillaging of Main Street, and the scourge of Crony Capitalism.  Frank is largely responsible for the Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac disasters:

What They Said About Fan and Fred

Remember “Roll The Dice” and “Friends of Angelo”.  Frank and Dodd should be in jail; not writing legislation.

Fodd and Drank are continuing to destroy the country and 2 + 2 = 5

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